Network on Chip round table
European Space Agency, ESTEC
Noordwijk / The
17th and 18th of September 2009
Proceedings & Synthesis note
Session 1: Introduction
Philippe Armbruster, Head of Data System Division (ESA / The
Philippe Perdu (CNES / France)
Laurent Hili (ESA / The
Ran Ginosar (Technion Institute of Technologies /
Session 2: Architectures
part 1
NoC through real-life applications: LETI's experience
Fabien Clermidy (CEA – LETI / France) Cancelled
Hamed Sheibanyrad, Frederic Petrot (TIMA Laboratory /
Supporting Distributed Shared Memory on Multi-core NoCs with a Dual Micro coded Controller
Axel Jantsch (KTH /
Generation of RTL-code and test facilities for on-chip TDM network
Geir Åge Noven
(Kongsberg / Norway)
Session 3: Architectures
part 2
Gerard Rauwerda (Recore Systems / The
Eberhard Schuler (PACT /
Spidergon STNoC, the Interconnect Processing Unit (IPU)
Riccardo Locatelli (ST microelectronics /
The Real-Time Network on Chip Aethereal (including comparison with SpaceWire)
Kees Goossens (SOC Architectures and Infrastructure NXP
Semiconductors / The
Bjorn Osterloh (Braunschweig Institute of Computer and
Communication Network Engineering /
HOST (Hardware Operating System Technology)
Steve Parkes (
Session 4: Tools
and design methodologies
Link between NoC Technology and programming model in a reconfigurable System on Chip
Domique Houzet
(Institut National Polytechnique Grenoble / France)
A Theorem-Proving Based Approach for the Formal Verification of NoCs
Laurence Pierre (TIMA Laboratory /
OCCN and Virtual Platform for power estimation and fault tolerant routing
Constantin Papadas (ISD /
Session 5: Fault
tolerant NoCs
Multi-level fault tolerance in 2D and 3D NoCs
Claudia Rusu
(TIMA Laboratory / France)
Concepts for Robust NoC Communication
Martin Radetzki (
Session 6: Space applications
Network on a Chip – What might it mean for On-board Data Handling Systems?
Lester Waugh (Astrium /
From SoC to NoC based on SCOC3 HW & SW developments
Marc Souyri, Jean-François
Coldefy, Franck Koebel, Vincent Lefftz (Astrium / France)
Session 7: Conclusion
Laurent Hili (ESA / The