@article{WeigandDAC2009, author = {Weigand, Roland and Edelin, Jean}, journal = {{Design Automation Conference (DAC)}}, owner = {Luke}, title = {{\textbf{Design of a Single Event Effect fault tolerant microprocessor for space using mainstream commercial EDA tools}}}, year = {2009}, pdf = {https://amstel.estec.esa.int/tecedm/website/biblio/WeigandDAC2009.pdf} }
@article{WeigandTWEPP2010, author = {Weigand, Roland}, journal = {{Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics}}, owner = {Luke}, title = {{\textbf{Single Event Effect Mitigation in Digital Integrated Circuits for Space}}}, year = {2010}, pdf = {https://amstel.estec.esa.int/tecedm/website/biblio/WeigandTWEPP2010.pdf} }
@article{WeigandDSNOC2009, author = {Weigand, Roland and Merodio, David}, journal = {{Diagnostic Services in Network-on-Chips}}, owner = {Luke}, title = {{\textbf{Single Event Effects in SRAM based FPGA for space applications Analysis and Mitigation}}}, year = {2009}, pdf = {https://amstel.estec.esa.int/tecedm/website/biblio/WeigandDSNOC2009.pdf} }
@article{WeigandDAC2013, author = {Weigand, Roland}, journal = {{Design Automation Conference (DAC) - Designer Track}}, owner = {Luke}, title = {{\textbf{Single Event Upset Hardening by 'Hijacking' the Multi-VT Flow During Synthesis}}}, year = {2013}, pdf = {https://amstel.estec.esa.int/tecedm/website/biblio/WeigandDAC2013.pdf} }
@article{JalleSIES2013, author = {Jalle, Javier and Abella, Jaume and Quinones, Eduardo and Fossati, Luca and Zulianello, Marco and Cazorla, Francisco}, journal = {{8th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems}}, owner = {Luke}, title = {{\textbf{Deconstructing Bus Access Control Policies for Real-Time Multicores}}}, year = {2013}, pdf = {https://amstel.estec.esa.int/tecedm/website/biblio/JalleSIES2013.pdf} }
@article{FossatiSocrocket2013, author = {Fossati, Luca and Schuster, Thomas and Meyer, Rolf and Berekovic, Mladen}, journal = {{DAta System In Aerospace (DASIA)}}, owner = {Luke}, title = {{\textbf{SoCRocket: a Virtual Platform for SoC Design}}}, year = {2013}, pdf = {https://amstel.estec.esa.int/tecedm/website/biblio/FossatiSocrocket2013.pdf} }
@article{ChinmayPDFE2000, author = {Das, Chinmay and Habinc, S. and Johlander, Bengt and Marent, K. and Redant, S. and Sanderson, T. and Wouters, Jeroen}, journal = {{European Space Components Conference (ESCCON)}}, owner = {Luke}, timestamp = {2008.05.18}, title = {{\textbf{PDFE: A Particle Detector Front-End ASIC}}}, year = {2000}, pdf = {https://amstel.estec.esa.int/tecedm/website/biblio/ChinmayPDFE2000.pdf} }
@article{AFLTTC2001, author = {Smith, Calum and Fernandez-Leon, Agustin}, journal = {{ESA Workshop on Tracking, Telemetry and Command Systems for Space Applications}}, owner = {Luke}, timestamp = {2008.05.18}, title = {{\textbf{Authentication in the Telecommand Link to Improve Security}}}, year = {2001}, pdf = {https://amstel.estec.esa.int/tecedm/website/biblio/AFLTTC2001.pdf} }
@article{AFLDCIS2010, author = {Fernandez-Leon, Agustin}, journal = {{XXV Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems}}, owner = {Luke}, timestamp = {2008.05.18}, title = {{\textbf{ASIC and FPGA for space applications: technology and strategies to counteract radiation effects}}}, year = {2010}, pdf = {https://amstel.estec.esa.int/tecedm/website/biblio/AFLDCIS2010.pdf} }
@article{HiliTSW2010, author = {Perdu, Philippe and Courtade, Frederic and Hili, Laurent and Lafontan, Xavier}, journal = {{Toulouse Space Show}}, owner = {Luke}, timestamp = {2008.05.18}, title = {{\textbf{Nanoelectronics trends, existing breakthroughs and applications for next generation satellites}}}, year = {2010}, pdf = {https://amstel.estec.esa.int/tecedm/website/biblio/HiliTSW2010.pdf} }
@article{HiliDASIA2012, author = {Hili, Laurent and Dugoujon, Laurent and Roche, Philippe and Malou, Florence and Perdu, Philippe}, journal = {{DAta System In Aerospace (DASIA)}}, owner = {Luke}, timestamp = {2008.05.18}, title = {{\textbf{Deep sub-micron 65nm program Perspectives for the next generation satellites}}}, year = {2012}, pdf = {https://amstel.estec.esa.int/tecedm/website/biblio/HiliDASIA2012.pdf} }
@article{WeigandDASIA2011, author = {Weigand, Roland}, journal = {{DAta System In Aerospace (DASIA)}}, owner = {Luke}, timestamp = {2008.05.18}, title = {{\textbf{ESA Microprocessor Development - Status and Roadmap}}}, year = {2011}, pdf = {https://amstel.estec.esa.int/tecedm/website/biblio/WeigandDASIA2011.pdf} }
@article{SyedDASIA2012, author = {Syed, M. and Tejerina, I. and Heim, J. and Rosello, J. and Weigand, R.}, journal = {{DAta System In Aerospace (DASIA)}}, owner = {Luke}, timestamp = {2008.05.18}, title = {{\textbf{Advanced GPS Galileo ASIC (AGGA-4) - Enabling Next Generation of Navigation Receivers}}}, year = {2012}, pdf = {https://amstel.estec.esa.int/tecedm/website/biblio/SyedDASIA2012.pdf} }
@article{AnderssonFsW2012, author = {Andersson, Jan and Hellstrom, Daniel and Habinc, Sandi and Weigand, Roland and Fossati, Luca}, journal = {{Workshops on Spacecraft Flight Software}}, owner = {Luke}, timestamp = {2008.05.18}, title = {{\textbf{Current and Next Generation LEON System-On-Chip Architectures for Space}}}, year = {2012}, pdf = {https://amstel.estec.esa.int/tecedm/website/biblio/AnderssonFsW2012.pdf} }
@article{RoselloNavitech2012, author = {Rosello, Josep and Silvestrin, Pierluigi and Weigand, Roland and d'Addio, Salvatore and Garcia Rodriguez, Alberto and Lopez Risueno, Gustavo}, journal = {{6th ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation Technologies (NAVITEC)}}, owner = {Luke}, timestamp = {2008.05.18}, title = {{\textbf{Next generation of ESA's GNSS receivers for Earth Observation satellites}}}, year = {2012}, pdf = {https://amstel.estec.esa.int/tecedm/website/biblio/RoselloNavitech2012.pdf} }
@article{AnderssonDASIA2010, author = {Andersson, Jan and Gaisler, Jiri and Weigand, Roland}, journal = {{DAta System In Aerospace (DASIA)}}, owner = {Luke}, timestamp = {2008.05.18}, title = {{\textbf{Next Generation Multi-Purpose Microprocessor}}}, year = {2010}, pdf = {https://amstel.estec.esa.int/tecedm/website/biblio/AnderssonDASIA2010.pdf} }
@article{FernandezAssessing2012, author = {Fernandez, Mikel and Gioiosa, Roberto and Quinones, Eduardo and Fossati, Luca and Zulianello, Marco and Cazorla, Francisco}, journal = {Proceedings of the tenth ACM international conference on Embedded software - EMSOFT 2012}, owner = {luke}, title = {{\textbf{Assessing the Suitability of the NGMP Multi-core Processor in the Space Domain}}}, doi = {10.1145/2380356.2380389}, year = {2012}, pdf = {https://amstel.estec.esa.int/tecedm/website/biblio/FernandezAssessing2012.pdf} }
@article{BolchiniIOLTS2011, author = {Bolchini, Cristiana and Sandionigi, Chiara and Fossati, Luca and Codinachs, David Merodio}, journal = {17th IEEE International On-Line Testing Symposium (IOLTS)}, owner = {luca fossati}, timestamp = {2011.07.18}, title = {{\textbf{A Reliable Fault Classifier for Dependable Systems on SRAM-based FPGAs}}}, doi = {10.1109/IOLTS.2011.5993817}, year = {2011}, pdf = {https://amstel.estec.esa.int/tecedm/website/biblio/BolchiniIOLTS2011.pdf} }
@article{FossatiAHS2011, author = {Fossati, L. and Ilstad, J.}, journal = {NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems, 2011. AHS '11.}, keywords = {reconfigurable architectures; system-on-chipReSP; configuration delays; dynamically reconfigurable embedded systems; high-level modeling; multi-processor embedded architectures; partially dynamic reconfigurable hardware; reconfigurable MPSoC; reconfigurable logic; scripted languages; transaction-level simulation platform}, month = {June}, owner = {luca fossati}, timestamp = {2011.07.18}, title = {{\textbf{The Future of Embedded Systems at ESA: towards Adaptability and Reconfigurability}}}, doi = {10.1109/AHS.2011.5963924}, year = {2011}, pdf = {https://amstel.estec.esa.int/tecedm/website/biblio/FossatiAHS2011.pdf} }
@article{AnderssonSpW2011, author = {Andersson, J. and Isomaki, M. and Habinc, S. and Gaisler, J. and Fossati, L. and Weigand, R.}, journal = {{SpaceWire Conference}}, title = {{\textbf{NGMP - Quad-Core Next Generation Microprocessor with on-chip SpaceWire Router}}}, year = {2011}, pdf = {https://amstel.estec.esa.int/tecedm/website/biblio/AnderssonSpW2011.pdf} }
@article{Schulz2008, author = {Simon Schulz and Giovanni Beltrame and David Merodio Codinachs}, title = {\textbf{Smart Behavioral Netlist Simulation for SEU Protection Verification}}, journal = {European Workshop on Radiation Effects on Components and Systems}, year = {2008}, owner = {luca fossati}, timestamp = {2011.03.10}, pdf = {https://amstel.estec.esa.int/tecedm/website/biblio/Schulz2008.pdf} }
@article{BeltrameBolchiniFossatiEtAl2008, author = {Giovanni Beltrame and Cristiana Bolchini and Luca Fossati and Antonio Miele and Donatella Sciuto}, title = {\textbf{ReSP: A Non-Intrusive Transaction-Level Reflective MPSoC Simulation Platform for Design Space Exploration}}, journal = {Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference 2008 (ASP-DAC 2008)}, year = {2008}, pages = {pp. 673 - 678}, owner = {luke}, timestamp = {2007.07.11}, pdf = {https://amstel.estec.esa.int/tecedm/website/biblio/BeltrameBolchiniFossatiEtAl2008.pdf} }
@article{Beltrame2007, author = {Beltrame, G. and Bolchini, C. and Fossati, L. and Miele, A. and Sciuto, D.}, title = {\textbf{A Framework for Reliability Assessment and Enhancement in Multi-Processor Systems-On-Chip}}, journal = {{DFT '07: Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault-Tolerance in VLSI Systems (DFT 2007)}}, year = {2007}, pages = {132--142}, address = {Washington, DC, USA}, booktitle = {{DFT '07: Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault-Tolerance in VLSI Systems (DFT 2007)}}, isbn = {0-7695-2885-6}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, pdf = {https://amstel.estec.esa.int/tecedm/website/biblio/Beltrame2007.pdf} }
@article{Beltrame2008, author = {Giovanni Beltrame and Luca Fossati}, title = {\textbf{ReSP: a design and validation tool for data systems}}, journal = {{DAta System In Aerospace (DASIA)}}, year = {2008}, owner = {Luke}, timestamp = {2008.05.18}, pdf = {https://amstel.estec.esa.int/tecedm/website/biblio/Beltrame2008.pdf} }
@article{beltrame_decisiontheoretic_2010, author = {Beltrame, G. and Fossati, L. and Sciuto, D.}, title = {\textbf{Decision-Theoretic Design Space Exploration of Multiprocessor Platforms}}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems}, year = {2010}, volume = {29}, pages = {1083-1095}, number = {7}, month = {July}, doi = {10.1109/TCAD.2009.2030268}, issn = {0278-0070}, pdf = {https://amstel.estec.esa.int/tecedm/website/biblio/beltrame_decisiontheoretic_2010.pdf} }
@article{Beltrame2009, author = {Beltrame, Giovanni and Fossati, Luca and Sciuto, Donatella}, title = {\textbf{A Real-Time Application Design Methodology for MPSoCs}}, journal = {Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE)}, year = {2009}, pages = {p. 767-772}, owner = {luke}, timestamp = {2009.06.08}, pdf = {https://amstel.estec.esa.int/tecedm/website/biblio/Beltrame2009.pdf} }
@article{Beltrame_TCAD_2009, author = {Beltrame, G. and Fossati, L. and Sciuto, D.}, title = {\textbf{ReSP: A Nonintrusive Transaction-Level Reflective MPSoC Simulation Platform for Design Space Exploration}}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems}, year = {2009}, volume = {28}, pages = {1857-1869}, number = {12}, month = {Dec. }, doi = {10.1109/TCAD.2009.2030268}, issn = {0278-0070}, keywords = {hardware description languages, logic CAD, logic simulation, operating systems (computers), real-time systems, system-on-chipOpenMP programming, POSIX thread, POSIX-compliant real-time operating system, Python, SystemC, design space exploration, fine-grained simulation control, hardware/software configuration, multiprocessor systems-on-a-chip, nonintrusive transaction-level reflective MPSoC simulation platform, reflective simulation platform}, pdf = {https://amstel.estec.esa.int/tecedm/website/biblio/Beltrame_TCAD_2009.pdf} }
@article{Beltrame2008a, author = {Beltrame, G. and Fossati, L. and Sciuto, D.}, title = {\textbf{High-Level Modeling and Exploration of Reconfigurable MPSoCs}}, journal = {Adaptive Hardware and Systems, 2008. AHS '08. NASA/ESA Conference on}, year = {2008}, pages = {330-337}, month = {June}, doi = {10.1109/AHS.2008.15}, keywords = {reconfigurable architectures, system-on-chipReSP, configuration delays, dynamically reconfigurable embedded systems, high-level modeling, multi-processor embedded architectures, partially dynamic reconfigurable hardware, reconfigurable MPSoC, reconfigurable logic, scripted languages, transaction-level simulation platform}, pdf = {https://amstel.estec.esa.int/tecedm/website/biblio/Beltrame2008a.pdf} }
@article{Beltrame2008b, author = {Beltrame, Giovanni and Fossati, Luca and Sciuto, Donatella}, title = {\textbf{Concurrency emulation and analysis of parallel applications for multi-processor system-on-chip co-design}}, journal = {CODES/ISSS '08: Proceedings of the 6th IEEE/ACM/IFIP international conference on Hardware/Software codesign and system synthesis}, year = {2008}, pages = {7--12}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, booktitle = {CODES/ISSS '08: Proceedings of the 6th IEEE/ACM/IFIP international conference on Hardware/Software codesign and system synthesis}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1450135.1450138}, isbn = {978-1-60558-470-6}, location = {Atlanta, GA, USA}, publisher = {ACM}, pdf = {https://amstel.estec.esa.int/tecedm/website/biblio/Beltrame2008b.pdf} }
@article{FossatiIPSOC2010_2, author = {Giovanni Beltrame and Luca Fossati and Marco Zulianello and Pedro Braga and Luis Henriques}, title = {\textbf{xLuna: a Real-Time, Dependable Kernel for Embedded Systems}}, journal = {Proc. of 19th IP based electronic system conference and exhibition (IP-SoC)}, year = {2010}, address = {Grenoble, France}, owner = {luke}, pdf = {https://amstel.estec.esa.int/tecedm/website/biblio/FossatiIPSOC2010_2.pdf} }
@article{BolchiniFossatiEtAl2010, author = {Cristiana Bolchini and Luca Fossati and David Merodio Codinachs and Antonio Miele and Chiara Sandionigi}, title = {\textbf{A Reliable Reconfiguration Controller for Fault-Tolerant Embedded Systems on Multi-FPGA platforms}}, journal = {Proc. of 25th {IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault-Tolerance in VLSI Systems (DFT)}}, year = {2010}, pages = {pp. 673 - 678}, address = {Kyoto, Japan}, owner = {luke}, pdf = {https://amstel.estec.esa.int/tecedm/website/biblio/BolchiniFossatiEtAl2010.pdf} }
@article{FossatiIPSOC2010_1, author = {Luca Fossati}, title = {\textbf{TLM 2.0 Standard into Action: Designing Efficient Processor Simulators}}, journal = {Proc. of 19th IP based electronic system conference and exhibition (IP-SoC)}, year = {2010}, address = {Grenoble, France}, owner = {luke}, pdf = {https://amstel.estec.esa.int/tecedm/website/biblio/FossatiIPSOC2010_1.pdf} }
@article{10.1109_DFT.2007.45, author = {M. Alderighi and F. Casini and S. D'Angelo and S. Pastore and G.R. Sechi and R. Weigand}, title = {\textbf{Evaluation of Single Event Upset Mitigation Schemes for SRAM based FPGAs using the FLIPPER Fault Injection Platform}}, journal = {Defect and Fault-Tolerance in VLSI Systems, IEEE International Symposium on}, volume = {0}, isbn = {0-7695-2885-6}, year = {2007}, `pages = {105-113}, doi = {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/DFT.2007.45}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA}, pdf = {https://amstel.estec.esa.int/tecedm/website/biblio/10.1109_DFT.2007.45.pdf} }
@article{1546457, author = {Redant, S. and Marec, R. and Baguena, L. and Liegeon, E. and Soucarre, J. and Van Thielen, B. and Beeckman, G. and Ribeiro, P. and Fernandez-Leon, A. and Glass, B.}, journal = {Nuclear Science, IEEE Transactions on}, title = {\textbf{Radiation test results on first silicon in the design against radiation effects (DARE) library}}, year = {2005}, month = oct., volume = {52}, number = {5}, pages = { 1550 - 1554}, keywords = { ASIC; CMOS; DARE; design against radiation effects; integrated circuit radiation effects; radiation hardening; silicon; six-layer metal technology; telecom application specific integrated circuit; CMOS integrated circuits; application specific integrated circuits; radiation hardening (electronics); silicon;}, doi = {10.1109/TNS.2005.855818}, issn = {0018-9499}, pdf = {https://amstel.estec.esa.int/tecedm/website/biblio/1546457.pdf} }
@article{4291679, author = {Aguirre, M.A. and Tombs, J.N. and Muoz, F. and Baena, V. and Guzman, H. and Napoles, J. and Torralba, A. and Fernandez-Leon, A. and Tortosa-Lopez, F. and Merodio, D.}, journal = {Nuclear Science, IEEE Transactions on}, title = {\textbf{Selective Protection Analysis Using a SEU Emulator: Testing Protocol and Case Study Over the Leon2 Processor}}, year = {2007}, month = aug., volume = {54}, number = {4}, pages = {951 -956}, keywords = {FT-UNSHADES;SEU emulator;VLSI circuits;flip-flops;multi-bit flips;selective protection analysis;VLSI;aerospace components;circuit simulation;flip-flops;}, doi = {10.1109/TNS.2007.895550}, issn = {0018-9499}, pdf = {https://amstel.estec.esa.int/tecedm/website/biblio/4291679.pdf} }
@article{4395082, author = {Sterpone, L. and Violante, M. and Sorensen, R.H. and Merodio, D. and Sturesson, F. and Weigand, R. and Mattsson, S.}, journal = {Nuclear Science, IEEE Transactions on}, title = {\textbf{Experimental Validation of a Tool for Predicting the Effects of Soft Errors in SRAM-Based FPGAs}}, year = {2007}, month = dec., volume = {54}, number = {6}, pages = {2576 -2583}, keywords = {SRAM-based FPGA;accelerated testing;error cross section;radiation environments;single event effects;soft errors;SRAM chips;atmospheric techniques;radiation effects;}, doi = {10.1109/TNS.2007.910122}, issn = {0018-9499}, pdf = {https://amstel.estec.esa.int/tecedm/website/biblio/4395082.pdf} }
@article{5341402, author = {Battezzati, N. and Gerardin, S. and Manuzzato, A. and Merodio, D. and Paccagnella, A. and Poivey, C. and Sterpone, L. and Violante, M.}, journal = {Nuclear Science, IEEE Transactions on}, title = {\textbf{Methodologies to Study Frequency-Dependent Single Event Effects Sensitivity in Flash-Based FPGAs}}, year = {2009}, month = dec., volume = {56}, number = {6}, pages = {3534 -3541}, keywords = {configuration memory;flash-based FPGAs;frequency-dependent single event effects sensitivity;heavy-ion radiation;robustness;single event upsets;space missions;field programmable gate arrays;flash memories;ion beam effects;}, doi = {10.1109/TNS.2009.2034316}, issn = {0018-9499}, pdf = {https://amstel.estec.esa.int/tecedm/website/biblio/5341402.pdf} }
@inproceedings{1589856, author = {Weigand, R.}, booktitle = {Cosmic Radiation Single Event Effects and Avionics, 2005. The IEE Seminar on (Ref. No. 2005/11270)}, title = {\textbf{SEE analysis and mitigation for FPGA, and digital ASIC devices}}, year = {2005}, month = dec., volume = {}, number = {}, pages = {8 -8/8}, keywords = {digital ASIC devices;field programmable gate arrays;single event effects;application specific integrated circuits;field programmable gate arrays;radiation effects;}, doi = {}, issn = {0537-9989}, pdf = {https://amstel.estec.esa.int/tecedm/website/biblio/1589856.pdf} }
@inproceedings{5708068, author = {Rosello, J. and Silvestrin, P. and Risuen, G.L. and Weigand, R. and Perello and, J.V. and Heim, J. and Tejerina, I.}, booktitle = {Satellite Navigation Technologies and European Workshop on GNSS Signals and Signal Processing (NAVITEC), 2010 5th ESA Workshop on}, title = {\textbf{AGGA-4: Core device for GNSS space receivers of this decade}}, year = {2010}, month = dec., volume = {}, number = {}, pages = {1 -8}, keywords = {EO satellite;ESA satellite;GNSS processor;GNSS signal;GOCE satellite;MetOp satellite;advanced GPS-Galileo ASIC;miniaturised GNSS space receiver;modernized GPS;precise orbit determination;programmable RF ASIC;radio occultation;space instrument;Global Positioning System;application specific integrated circuits;radio receivers;radiofrequency integrated circuits;}, doi = {10.1109/NAVITEC.2010.5708068}, issn = {}, pdf = {https://amstel.estec.esa.int/tecedm/website/biblio/5708068.pdf} }
@article{MarinisIPSOC2007, author = {Kostas Marinis and Agustin Fernandez-Leon}, title = {\textbf{ESA IP Cores Service}}, journal = {Proc. of 15th IP based electronic system conference and exhibition (IP-SoC)}, year = {2007}, address = {Grenoble, France}, owner = {luke}, pdf = {https://amstel.estec.esa.int/tecedm/website/biblio/MarinisIPSOC2007.pdf} }
@article{SCOC3_DASIA2007, author = {Roland Weigand and Jean-Francois Coldef and Marc Souyri and Franck Koebel}, title = {\textbf{Spacecraft Controller On-a Chip with LEON3 (SCOC3)}}, journal = {{DAta System In Aerospace (DASIA)}}, year = {2007}, owner = {Luke}, pdf = {https://amstel.estec.esa.int/tecedm/website/biblio/SCOC3_DASIA2007.pdf} }
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